Praise Hands is all about Creative, Cross-Cultural Christianity.
Hey friends… Robby Valderrama here! I wanted to take this opportunity to share the heart and vision behind Praise Hands. As you know, we are all about Creative, Cross-Cultural Christianity. But what exactly does that mean?
When I moved from the San Francisco Bay Area to Nashville, Tennessee, I moved from one of the least churched areas to one of the most churched areas in the country. But I also moved from one of the least racially segregated to one of the most racially segregated areas. And when I realized that Nashville was simply one example of a well-established correlation between Christianity and segregation, it made me sick to my stomach. And because so many Christian industries - music, movies, education, denominations, and publishing - are developed in Nashville, our segregation is too often exported as the face of Christianity around the world.
With a spirit of reconciliation, the Praise Hands Podcast counters this segregation through honest conversation about the American intersection of church, race, music, and economics. Additionally, our 501(c)3 non-profit raises funds to support diverse expressions of worship music.
Check out this six-minute mini-episode of the Praise Hands Podcast to learn more, or tap the button below to browse more episodes.