Church Ideas
Covid-19: Four Questions Every Church Leader Must Ask (Podcast)
Jason Janz: Ten Recommendations For Leading Your Non-Profit During A Pandemic
Partner with ride-sharing company Lyft on a creative way to serve your community
Receive 10% of the Church Economics Accelerator by using code “robby”
Quick Money Ideas
Sign up to do tasks remotely at or or
Look on in your area to see what people are hiring for, and take an online class via or on to learn a new skill.
Learning Ideas
Financial Ideas
Call United Way at 866-211-9966 and provide your zip code to get connected with their Covid-19 Economic Relief Fund
Call your mortgage company to ask about deferring your mortgage payment, and ask how soon you need to catch up on payments for it not to affect your credit score.
Ask your auto insurance provider if they will give you 10% off on a new policy in exchange for not driving for 7 days
Business Ideas
If you are a private company that wants to produce a product related to the COVID response – email
Service Ideas
Start a local “Covid Help Squad” to help with grocery shopping, medicine pickup & errands for high-risk neighbors.
Visit FEMA’s website for more ways to help.