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In 2020, many CAme to new levels of awareness of the injustice faced by OUR Black brothers and sisters in America.

If you WANT learn, listen, and grow, we hope the below resources will be helpful.

- The Praise Hands Team


A History Of Race And Policing In America - Robby Valderrama
Do Black Lives Matter In Your White Church? - Robby Valderrama
Letter From Birmingham Jail - Martin Luther King Jr. (prefaced by the letter he was responding to)


Praise Hands Facebook Group


How Can The Church Fight Systemic Racism? - Robby Valderrama
Recommended Film List - Jackie Hill Perry
Can Virtual Reality Make Our Communities Safer? - Derek Ham
The Nashville Tornado And Black Ownership - Derek Minor
Data and Diversity: A Call To Dig Deeper - Barna Group’s Brooke Hempell
Rediscovering The Biblical Vision Of Diversity - KJ Scriven


Learning About Racism In The US - Tinasha LaRayé
75 Things White People Can Do For Racial Justice - Corinne Shutack
Anti-Racism Resources For White People - Sarah Sophie Flicker, Alyssa Klein