


“The Deeply Formed Life” w/ Rich Villodas

“There is a mysticism to life with God. If we believe that God is present with us, how can there not be?” Rich Villodas

Some of the most ancient practices of the church, like contemplation and silence, still have much to teach us in our always-on, always-connected world. In his book, The Deeply Formed Life, pastor and author Rich Villodas shares personal insight on how spiritual union with Christ can fuel a life of justice.

On this episode of the Praise Hands Podcast, hear Rich and Robby discuss:
• How Christian meditation differs from other mindfulness practices
• The role that silence can play in our corporate worship experiences
• The challenges in building authentically multicultural churches



“Can Virtual Reality Make Our Communities Safer?” w/ Derek Ham

“We must work to view the world through our neighbor’s eyes.” Derek Ham

Would you be willing to walk a mile in the shoes of a Black man in the South at the height of the Civil Rights Movement? Or respond to a life-threatening dispatch call in the place of a modern-day police officer? Through virtual reality simulations, storyteller Derek Ham helps communities do just that, creating a bridge of empathy between people of color and law enforcement officers.

Hear Derek share about:
• His unlikely journey as an African American male in tech
• How virtual reality can disrupt implicit bias and prejudice
• How the non-violent usage of gaming echoes the non-violent protests of MLK Jr