Praise Hands Podcast



The State of Church, Race, Music & Economics w/ Robby Valderrama

“I have always believed that the music of the church has the power to shape the message of the church.” Robby Valderrama

Three years after the start of the Praise Hands Podcast, hear our host Robby Valderrama share brand-new data along with his one-of-a-kind insight on where the American church is, and where it might be headed.

On this episode, hear Robby discuss:
• How economic policies are affecting the local church, and what to do about it
• Exclusive data and inside analysis on today’s worship music industry
• The future of the Praise Hands Podcast



“Reparations: A Christian Call For Repentance And Repair” w/ Duke Kwon & Gregory Thompson

“We are not establishing some new morality that is an over-realized understanding of heaven on earth. Reparations are love of neighbor.” - Duke Kwon

Reparations: A Christian Call for Repentance and Repair is a brand new book from Pastor Duke Kwon and cultural educator Gregory Thompson that’s sending shockwaves through the American church. On this timely and hotly debated topic of reparations to the African American community, Kwon and Thompson use theology and history to argue that the church has a unique moral responsibility to repair our nation’s original sin.

In this episode of the Praise Hands Podcast, hear Duke and Gregory talk through:
• Frameworks for understanding racism, white supremacy, and reparations
• The church’s crucial role in developing America’s racial caste system
• How Christian creatives can use their repentant imaginations to create change



Is Christianity a ‘White Man’s Religion’? w/ Vince Bantu

“The perception that Christianity is a ‘White man’s religion’ is the single greatest obstacle to the Gospel in the world.” -Vince Bantu

Vince Bantu is an assistant professor of Church History and Black Church Studies at Fuller Theological Seminary and a director of the Meachum School of Haymanot, a seminary that offers education from Afrocentric and Biblical perspectives.

In this episode of the Praise Hands Podcast, Vince explores the history of the global church and the struggle for modern people of color as they wrestle with the racialized stigmas of Christianity, discussing:
• Christianity’s multicultural heritage and how it can be reclaimed today
• The Pan-African Church’s historical relationship with the Roman Church, Islam, and White America
• How past theological and cultural disagreements affect current racial reconciliation conversations



“The Deeply Formed Life” w/ Rich Villodas

“There is a mysticism to life with God. If we believe that God is present with us, how can there not be?” Rich Villodas

Some of the most ancient practices of the church, like contemplation and silence, still have much to teach us in our always-on, always-connected world. In his book, The Deeply Formed Life, pastor and author Rich Villodas shares personal insight on how spiritual union with Christ can fuel a life of justice.

On this episode of the Praise Hands Podcast, hear Rich and Robby discuss:
• How Christian meditation differs from other mindfulness practices
• The role that silence can play in our corporate worship experiences
• The challenges in building authentically multicultural churches



“Building A Community of Multicultural Worship” w/ Josh Davis and Jaewoo Kim

“The beauty of God is not limited to our culture. Are we willing to create space?” - Jaewoo Kim

Josh Davis and Jaewoo Kim from Proskuneo Ministries and their families moved to Clarkston, Georgia, one of the most diverse square miles in the entire United States. On their street, they live, work, homeschool their kids together, and co-lead a vibrant multicultural worshipping community.

On this episode of the Praise Hands Podcast featuring co-host McKenzie Abbott, Josh and Jaewoo share:
• How to cultivate a worshipping community vs simply creating worship experiences
• The cultural challenges immigrants face in American churches
• What John’s visions in Revelation can teach us about multicultural worship



Praise Hands Podcast 50th Episode Party!” w/ Jackie The Educator, Barna Group’s Brooke Hempell, and more!

In honor of our 50th Episode, Robby chatted with past guests Jackie The Educator, DJ Chuang, Patrick Chappell, Lex The Advocate, Brooke Hempell, and Ricky Ortiz on a fun and laid-back Praise Hands Podcast 50th Episode Zoom Party, including a quick appearance from Robby’s wife Bria Jean Valderrama. Watch the Zoom on YouTube, or hear audio-only on your podcast app of choice.



“Loving Our Unborn And Undocumented Neighbors” w/ Rondell Trevino

“I think we trust politicians’ words more than God’s Word when it comes to immigration.”

Moving from a Trump to a Biden presidency, The Immigration Coalition founder Rondell Trevino shares his family’s immigration journey, along with how the church in America can have its priorities right on this urgent and complicated issue.

On this episode of the Praise Hands Podcast, hear Rondell share:
• How Rondell’s family navigated through the U.S. immigration process
• His thoughts on Christian Nationalism and idolatry
• Why Christians must be pro-life across the political spectrum



“How Your Creativity Can Change The World” w/ Danielle Coke

“You don’t have to be perfect to make a difference.” Danielle Coke

At the beginning of 2020, Danielle Coke (@ohhappydani) had 700 Instagram followers and an iPad. A few months later, her racial justice-themed artwork went viral, causing her to gain 300,000 Instagram followers in one week, and leading her work to be featured on the Today Show, Buzzfeed, NBC, and countless other media outlets.

On this episode of the Praise Hands Podcast, hear Danielle share:
• The creative process behind her popular artwork
• Tips for building a brand around your passion
• How her relationship with Jesus shapes her social justice work

Episode 45

Episode 45

“Worship, Discipleship, and Holy Spirituality” w/ Dr. Emmett Price

“In the American church, we conflate worship and music… *everything* that we do should bring glory to God as our living worship.”

Dr. Emmett Price III is a leading expert on African American Music, Christian Worship and the Black Christian Experience, and leads the Institute for the Study of the Black Christian Experience at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary.

In this interview on the Praise Hands Podcast, Dr. Price switches seamlessly between his academic, pastoral, and musical hats, addressing the following:
• What Our Educational Models Can Learn From Jesus
• The Redemptive Song of Black America
• The Church’s Responsibility To Lead Cross-Culturally

Episode 44

Episode 44

“Jesus, Justice, and America” w/ Shane Claiborne

“What would it look like for love, not fear, to shape our policies?”

As an activist, author, and speaker, Shane Claiborne has shaped a generation’s view of Jesus and social change. His radical activism has led him to Iraq and Afghanistan (for anti-war efforts), jail (for homeless advocacy), Calcutta (for work with Mother Teresa), and to Washington DC, where today’s interview took place a few steps from The White House.

In this episode highlighting the 2020 Presidential Election, Shane shares:
• Why the death penalty is incompatible with Christian teaching
• How the American church has neglected the teachings of Jesus
• How restorative justice and forgiveness can fix the US prison system